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Final News before September

Written by: NoVe
18.08.2013 - 13:12
Category: Internal News


Comments: 8
Hello ladies and gentlemen,

time goes by so fast when you constantly win it seems. The TnG-Website will be 1 year old on the 13th of September.

The last few months were quite entertaining and beneficial for us since lots of stuff happened.
Special regards to our newly gained partners.

The website experienced some major changes during the last months and this will not stop so soon. The default design is horrible after all. If you got any suggestions, feel free to post them in the forum or the shoutbox.

Speaking of the forum. The amount of English speaking people frequenting this website has increased a lot, so the forum will become "as English as possible" from now on.

Sigh... given the recent "attempts" to annoy us: Note that no matter how hard you try, no DDoS can touch us, neither fixing nor spreading impress us. We are always several steps ahead.

All Ez, yours truly,

TheNiggerGays, TeenageNinjaGirls, TheNextGeneration, TuNichtGut, TheNewGayline, TheNoobGays...etc.
aka TnG.


TeenageNewbieGaylords#1 - 18.08.2013 - 14:09
gg.#2 - 18.08.2013 - 14:49
Nove wrote:

time goes by so fast when you constantly win it seems.

Ach.. Also for those who loose ^^ It had been more than 1 year trying to rejoin or bein' partner without success :>#3 - 18.08.2013 - 16:04
ALL EZ#4 - 18.08.2013 - 16:17
TheNiggerGays - EZ!#5 - 18.08.2013 - 22:44
£éñà. wrote:

Ach.. Also for those who loose ^^ It had been more than 1 year trying to rejoin or bein' partner without success :>

you were friend! and there will be some kind of revival of that section, so don't think your kindness and activity is not gonna be appreciated ;)#6 - 18.08.2013 - 23:22
that's is rly kind of you lene happu again #7 - 18.08.2013 - 23:39
Best News report ever xD#8 - 22.08.2013 - 21:58

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