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soFFe quits JKA.

Written by: soFFe
07.04.2013 - 14:12
Category: JK3 News


Comments: 6
Hi, I've considered this since a few weeks.
Basically I was just playing JK3 because TnG was still playing it.
I'm sick of it though. I'm sick of every single one of you. Admins, Fans, Wannabes.
It's always the same. In every matter you guys are all the same. Exceptions prove the rule.

Base people come to the server, discussing who's better, discussing connection-settings and when they lose a duel, it's JAplus' fault.
Haters come to the server, trying to insult me or TnG.
It's fun to see your reactions when I'm insulting/laming/banning you. That's all I've been doing in JK3 ever since, and well, it doesn't get boring.
Admins, though, are the funniest kind of people. One is always the one who's a totally dumb fuck.(Hi sens/haldir)
One is always the one who's a kid and abusing the power he's possessing, not knowing that he's responsible for something. (Hi sens/haldir)
One is always the one who's a quiet obeying puppet, absolutely doing nothing when a "friend" is fucking shit up, though. (Hi Greedo/sens/rip, thanks for free lames)
One is always the one who's absolutely doing nothing at all and is just chatting with people, looking for "friends" in JKA. (Hi unholy/Greedo)
One is always the one who's not a good admin, but a nice guy. (Hi Scare, love you Heart)
etc. etc.

You guys make me sick.

Yeah, that's what JK3 is all about. It's mostly about PEOPLE.
I realized that lately.

Will be looking forward for other games to play with TnG, post stuff etc.

soffe jk3 rq

P.S.: download altytools.


Mach et jut , Soffe. Auch wenn ich mich hin und wieder über deine random-lames aufgeregt habe, warste doch n sehr guter Kerl und Admin.
#1 - 07.04.2013 - 16:52

download altytools#2 - 07.04.2013 - 18:28
rq#3 - 07.04.2013 - 20:21
Rosh Penin#4 - 07.04.2013 - 20:25
Ich vermisse dich Soffe#5 - 09.04.2013 - 15:28
Derpmorgan#6 - 09.04.2013 - 15:42

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