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NoVe @ 22.12.2020 - 20:22
Also showcase updates.
NoVe @ 22.12.2020 - 19:57
Winter Sale time.
NoVe @ 19.12.2020 - 18:29
Most stuff is already restored! Recoding some of the functionalities will take some time though.
Robinblitz @ 19.12.2020 - 13:24
Welcome back to November everyone, an extra month to enjoy 2020.
Blackwolf @ 19.12.2020 - 01:53
@soFFe 2020 in a nutshell
Nate Higgers @ 18.12.2020 - 23:02
rip my Vietcong post
pewpewzs @ 18.12.2020 - 22:47
17.12.20 NEVER TNG
NoVe @ 18.12.2020 - 22:20
Hello everybody. Please read the current news article for an update on what on earth has transpired on here!
NoVe @ 18.12.2020 - 20:30
--- Provider Fuck Up ---
soFFe @ 18.12.2020 - 20:29
frohes fest, 1 monat rollback
Slayer @ 18.12.2020 - 20:28
merry chrysler
soFFe @ 18.12.2020 - 20:28
NoVe @ 06.11.2020 - 14:24
Indeed, they are hidden gems. But the "remasters"... will most likely end up bad. Speaking of bad! As I had announced below... The NFS HP 2010 remaster is... "Mixed". Picture me surprised!
Blackwolf @ 06.11.2020 - 09:41
Both are good games, got them back then from the Gamestar Magazine (when you'd actually buy magazines back then) :)
NoVe @ 04.11.2020 - 14:02 even BloodRayne 1 & 2 get a little 'remaster' it seems. I fear for the worst!
Blackwolf @ 03.11.2020 - 19:09
my daily struggle
soFFe @ 02.11.2020 - 17:48
the real tragedy is people were paid for making java
Nate Higgers @ 02.11.2020 - 14:43
people were paid to make this
NoVe @ 01.11.2020 - 16:48
Random reminder of this:
whiseeh @ 28.10.2020 - 17:54
I guess I will need to wait before download, thanks though!
whiseeh @ 28.10.2020 - 17:53
it says my account needs to be older than 12 hours
whiseeh @ 28.10.2020 - 17:43
hey, someone who could send me cvar unlocker? need to get higher fov on 4k resolution
wotan @ 27.10.2020 - 21:28
another cyberpunk delay tf He-Man
shox @ 27.10.2020 - 15:28
NoVe @ 22.10.2020 - 02:39
@wotan even Pharaoh appears to get a "remake". Skepticism is adequate but...

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